In 2020, Canada’s pipelines sent an average of 3.2 million barrels of oil per day to where Americans live, work, play, and defend their republic.
Read MoreAmerican importers have other options. But none of them are as friendly and free as Canada.
Read MoreThe definition of absurd: Revolutionary sentiment in a liberal democracy
Read MoreWhatever the source of misinformation, here are some relevant statistics on environmental spending.
Read MoreIn life we often take a lot for granted. Exhibit A: the technological revolution that gave us modern farming.
Read MoreHow to avoid fake news and reach truth? Think like a scientist, not like a defence lawyer.
Read MoreFriends—especially in friendly liberal democracies—don’t let their politicians attack each other.
Read MoreOpportunity matters. And it mostly comes from respecting individuals as always potentially ready to flourish and creatively expand within a free society.
Read MoreAxa, Zurich and Swiss Re are de-insuring a major Canadian industry while helping autocracies and tyrannies stay in business.
Read MoreDelayed and cancelled pipelines are costing Canadians between $9 billion and $15 billion annually.
Read MoreAs one analyst notes, LNG cargo prices have been “rising faster than Bitcoin.”
Read MoreI gave up Twitter in 2019. I decided to focus on getting out research, not responding to tweets from twits.
Read MoreAustralia’s job count rose to 38,116 by 2019 from 12,919 jobs in 2010. That’s a whopping 195 per cent.
Read MoreCanada’s second-biggest export sector over three decades and its biggest export industry in 2018 and 2019.
Read MoreNo matter the cause, mob rule is one of the shortest and most direct routes towards undermining our society – all of it.
Read MoreHere’s how to understand and escape from 2020’s protests, pandemic, and an erratic president. A few suggestions to feed your mind and soul.
Read MoreMilton Friedman spent his lifetime educating the public and politicians against the anti-reality economics of the political and ideological left, but they are cited sympathetically in Abbott’s book.
Read MoreWhen those intent on turning a temporary public health measure—mask-wearing—into a freedom issue akin to the American Revolution, they fail to make proper distinctions and direct their energies to actual, useful ends.
Read MoreThis debate became acute after the August 2020 poisoning of Russian Opposition leader Alexei Navalny, which German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among others, blamed on the Kremlin.
Read MoreThat $493 billion in oil and gas taxes paid for a lot of school lunches, kids’ clothes, runners, after-school lessons and much else.
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