Conflating personal prejudice with institutional racism does a tremendous disservice to those who lived through actual institutional racism, and who successfully fought such practices to extinction.
Read MoreWhen so-called “ethical investors” do not treat tyranny-produced oil in the same manner as diamonds mined with slave labour in Africa — blood diamonds, they make a choice.
Read MoreSince the 1950s, successive governments instead slashed at the dragon’s tendons and arteries by enacting policies that forswore race as a basis for government or public discrimination.
Read MoreSomething like that mistaken assertion about Twain now faces the oil and natural gas industry worldwide and in Canada.
Read MoreThe reason Gates predicted a pandemic is not because he was Dr. Evil plotting to infect us all, but because he reads history and also understands statistical probabilities.
Read MoreThose who wish to kill off Canada’s oil and gas sector too easily omit critical context: Worldwide trends mean that oil and gas consumption and such emissions will continue even if Canada’s energy industry disappears.
Read MoreThe critical importance of oil and gas extraction to First Nations prosperity also becomes clear when we compare rates of employment and incomes across industries.
Read MoreUnless critics wish to assert a decades-long expert such as Prof. Smil Is wrong about energy density and present technological capabilities, demand for oil may well follow the curve in the IEA’s Stated Policy scenario.
Read MoreLook for the close-ups of Don Henley on the drums. You can almost see the beads of sweat on his forehead while he drums and sings and intensely so. And then there are the guitar solos and harmony later from Joe Walsh and Don Feder.
Read MoreWe need the possibilty for beauty precisely because the world is not always kind.
Read MoreGovernments sometimes offer apologies with more caution. When offering the Liberal government’s 2001 regret for the execution of the 23 soldiers during the Great War, Jean Chretien’s government deliberately did not also pardon the soldiers.
Read MoreA recent poll conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 36% of millennials surveyed look at it favourably.
Read MoreNo matter how well-intentioned, Serenity’s placement back on or near the reserve was exactly what advocates of the notion of a purer culture wanted for aboriginal children: collective power over individuals based on a bloodline.
Read MoreThe attacks on John A. MacDonald and Christopher Columbus and what they represent—the arrival of the British and Europeans—are surface examples of a now-familiar trend: the claim of victimhood due to a real or assumed historical wrong.
Read MoreThe privilege theory is analytically weak, based as it is in assumed correlation–causation links now confounded by massive wealth creation and immigration that has washed previous effects of privilege out to sea.
Read MoreIt is often excellent politics, at least in the short term. It also leads to hollowed-out, incomplete history, and a simplistic caricature of events. It is the “Disneyfication” of often difficult decisions from another era.
Read MoreThe 2019 inquiry, media, and politicians overlooked a major issue on reserves and thus ignored the nearly 250,000 indigenous women who live in such communities.
Read MoreThe co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been clear he wants to ‘suspend’ liberal democracy, remake modern society – and in his belief that the Holocaust was not unique.
Read More6,000 new Alberta bureaucrats and half-a-billion dollars annually to collect income tax? Most of the firewall ideas only make sense if you’re a separatist.
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